Mrs. Mongella, Under Secretary Kittani, distinguished delegates and guests:
- Jun 26 Wed 2013 15:07
翻譯:Womens Rights Are Human Rights Famous Speech - 英語演
- Jun 20 Thu 2013 13:17
- Jun 19 Wed 2013 13:13
- Jun 18 Tue 2013 13:01
翻譯:President Bush Visits Bucharest, Romania, Discusses NA
April 2, 2008
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thank you, and good morning. I appreciate former Presidents Iliescu and Constantinescu for joining us today. I want to thank the President of Latvia and Mrs. Zatlere for joining us. Secretary Rice, ambassadors, members of the United States Congress, the President of the National Bank of Savings, members of the German Marshall Fund and the Atlantic Council, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen -- Bun. Ziua
- Jun 14 Fri 2013 14:35
翻譯:President Bush Meets with munity Leaders in Missouri -
- Jun 13 Thu 2013 17:13
翻譯:訪 友 偶 逢 記
American English與 English English (或 稱 British English)是存在著差別的。那麼,好國人跟隧道的英國人之間交談或通訊會不會存在著問題呢?以下讓我們設念一位美國人卡特前去一名英國人希思傢中拜訪時的“偶逢”,葡文翻譯,以說明這個問題。(括弧內的英語是美式英語)
卡特按希思的手刺,前去希思傢往。他來到希思所住的那一幢室第樓宇 block of flats(apartment house),發覺該年夜廈共有苦一層,希思曾對他說是佐正在頂樓。但噹他進进電梯lift(elevator)裏,他發覺最大的數字是20。他懷疑本人搞錯,於是詢問筦門人 Porter(janitor),才晓得20字即两十一樓。到達希思住的 flat(apartment)門心,他還帶著忐忑心境按門鈴。
- Jun 08 Sat 2013 12:10
- Jun 05 Wed 2013 16:57
翻譯:Franklin D. Roosevelt - Third Inaugural Address (1941)
This speech was delivered at a time when the military forces of Germany and Japan enjoyed a series of victories over seemingly weakling democratic nations. By early 1941, the German Reich had spread throughout most of Western Europe, while the Japanese Empire covered vast areas of the South Pacific.
- May 31 Fri 2013 17:07
翻譯:十說“我被炒魷魚” 盼望年夜傢皆用不上哦
1. I got fired.
- May 30 Thu 2013 14:43
翻譯:表達「睡不著」的十句話 - 實用英語